Red Dragon Darts Peter Wright PL15 Steeldart
49,90 €
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand

Gewicht: 0,2 kg
EAN: nicht zutreffend
Externe Artikel-Nr: RDD1584
Zustand: Neu
Material: Wolfram


Red Dragon Dart - Peter Snakebite Wright PL15 22g 24g 26g (Steel-Dart)

Our man Snakebite wants perfect darts, so he certainly puts us through our paces, making subtle and precise design changes across his darts range. Peter'’s intimate knowledge of matching the dart he uses, to how he is throwing, leave many baffled, but he is crystal clear as to what he wants. This latest edition Snakebite is an evolution of the bronze Snakebite 2 that he used in the 2014 World Championships, where he reached the final. The dart is slightly slimmer all over and has a longer tapered nose, to give Peter great room in the treble 20 for power scoring. The grip pattern is exactly where Peter wants his hands to sit, and the dart has been designed to be perfectly balanced with the Snakebite flight and shaft set up. Available in 22g and 24g enjoy throwing these darts Snakebite style.

Im Lieferumfang enthalten:

3 Darts

3 Schäfte

3 Flights

Red Dragon Dart - Peter Snakebite Wright PL15 - 22g (Steel-Dart)

Gewicht / Weight

Länge / Length

Ø min.

Ø max.


50,80 mm

4,80 mm

6,50 mm

Bei Steeldarts reines Barrelgewicht, bei Softdarts Gesamtgewicht (Barrel,Schaft,Flight). Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr.

Red Dragon Dart - Peter Snakebite Wright PL15 - 24g (Steel-Dart)

Gewicht / Weight

Länge / Length

Ø min.

Ø max.


50,80 mm

4,90 mm

6,60 mm

Bei Steeldarts reines Barrelgewicht, bei Softdarts Gesamtgewicht (Barrel,Schaft,Flight). Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr.

Red Dragon Dart - Peter Snakebite Wright PL15 - 26g (Steel-Dart)

Gewicht / Weight

Länge / Length

Ø min.

Ø max.


50,80 mm

5,00 mm

7,30 mm

Bei Steeldarts reines Barrelgewicht, bei Softdarts Gesamtgewicht (Barrel,Schaft,Flight). Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr.

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